Sunday, April 25, 2010


The best place to start learning SAP is to try out the SAP IDES, International Demonstration and Education System. Here are some of the default settings for IDES 4.7 after installation:
  • Client ID: 800
  • Login user/pwd: sap*/06071992
  • Login user/pwd: ddic/19920706

Saturday, April 10, 2010

How to remote debug Tomcat server code?

Either you are a developer of Tomcat or you would like to see how the Tomcat works in a live mode, you may want to set a few break points in the Tomcat codes and to see the code in the live run. How could you set up remote debug for tomcat? Thanks for the JPDA(Java Platform Debug Architecutre) we can easily achieve this goal.
  • Start tomcat server with remote debug enabled with JVM parameters: -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=y and make sure you setting suspend=y to let the tomcat server suspend and wait for debugger to attach to it.
  • Start your debugger, I am using Intellij Remote Debug, and here is the settings: Host: localhost Port: 8000
That is all. Happy debugging.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Install lxml on Cygwin

To install lxml on Cygwin you need jump through a few hoops, to save who wants to get it done smoothly, I write down the necessary steps:
  • Make sure install the following package for cygwin by using Cygwin setup libxml2, libxml2-devel, libxslt, libxslt-devel, python-libxml2, python-libxslt
  • If you got lots of errors about debug format:
    • try to add -gdwarf-2 to CFLAGS
      • export CFLAGS="-gdwarf-2"

Using pip, virtualenv, and virtualenvwrapper in Cygwin

I have been using pip, virtualenv, and virtualenvwrapper in Cygwin for long time, it is pretty handy to isolate my development environment for each python projects I am working on. But I still need to think about what need to be done to setup all the pip, virtualenv, and virtualenvwrapper on Cygwin. To save my time and help anybody would like to setup the stuff on Cygwin, I recorded the process as following:
  • Use Cygwin setup to install Python for Cygwin.
  • Install easy_install in your Cygwin: download and run in Cygwin.
  • Install pip by using easy_install: eazy_install pip.
  • pip install virtualenv
  • pip install virtualenvwrapper
  • add the following lines into your ~/.bashrc
    • export WORKON_HOME=/cygdrive/c/labs/virtualenvs
      source /usr/bin/virtualenvwrapper_bashrc
That is all, now you can create a new virtualenv in your Cygwin: mkvirtualenv my-first-env. You can use pip to install the specific packages you need for your virtualenv. To activate your virtualenv: workon my-first-env. To deactivate your virtualenv: deactivate. To remove the virtualenv: rmvirtualenv my-first-env.