Tuesday, February 27, 2007

GVim: changing DOS style end of line to UNIX, or vise-versa

How to use GVim to change DOS style end of line to UNIX, or vise-versa?
To save the file in DOS style:
:set fileformat=dos
To save the file in UNIX style:
:set fileformat=unix
Please refer to here.

Turn off variable substitution in SQL*Plus

I got a phone call from one of my friends in Montreal ask me how to turn off the variable substitution in SQL*Plus, here is how it should be done:
* You can prevent variable substigution of ampersand character(&) in SQL script, when running it in SQL*Plus.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Find the list of SAP Transaction codes

There are three ways to find out the list of SAP transaction codes:
  1. SE11; TSTC table or TSTCT table.
  2. SM01
  3. SE93
Please refer to here.

Friday, February 23, 2007

How to change SAP default client

To change default client for SAP system, I found the following way:
In file explorer: open the instance profile, for example: D:\usr\sap\C11\SYS\profile\C11_DVEBMGS00_win2k3
add login/system_client=800.
Stop and restart the SAP system.

NOTE: directly edit the file is not sugguested by SAP, the correct way to change a parameter is to use Tools->CCMS ->Configuration->Profile Maintenance.
  1. RZ10
  2. Import the profiles; Utilities->Import profiles->Of active servers
  3. Extended maintenance the profile; Change
  4. Create new parameter or edit existing parameter
  5. Save, activate, and restart the server.
Some SAP parameters.
How to change SAP default client?

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Oracle CharacterSet

1. What is impact of NLS_LANG variable setting of user session while import/export the data ?

On export, the data will be converted from the database character set to the character set specified by NLS_LANG. In import, the database will assume that the data is in the character set specified by NLS_LANG and use that value to perform the conversion to the database character set if the two values to not match.

2. Why do we need to set this NLS_LANG user session variable before export/import ?

If your database character set is the same as your OS, you don't necessarily have to set NLS_LANG. For instance, if you have a US7ASCII db, and your OS locale is set to AMERICA_AMERICAN.US7ASCII, there won't be any problems. The only time it's really important to set this is when the db and OS settings don't match.

3.If NLS_LANG variable is not set (doesnot have any value) what would happen ?

If your database character set doesn't match your OS, the data could be garbled because the db will incorrectly transcode the data on import/export.

4. If I have to set NLS_LANG varible, what should I set it to?

Depends on what your database character set is set to (see below).

5. How can I see the characterset of my database?

select * from nls_database_parameters and look for the value set for the NLS_CHARACTERSET parameter. Don't get confused by the NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET, that's for NCHAR datatypes.

So, for instance, if your NLS_CHARACTERSET value is set to UTF8, you would set NLS_LANG to .UTF8 (the dot is important because that's actually shorthand for territory_language.characterset, or language_territory.characterset, I can never remember which comes first. In any case, use the dot). For example:

setenv NLS_LANG .UTF8

6. Where can I get more info about database charaterset and What are the valid values for database characterset and NLS_LANG varibale ?

It's all in the Oracle documentation.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Copy table structure and content (data)

I just started to read the book 'Sams Teach Yourself ABAP/4® in 21 Days', the first problem I ran into is how to copy table structure and content(data) from a standard table to a z_table. I found partial of the answer here:
How can I copy a standard table to make my own z_table. Go to transaction SE11. Then there is one option to copy table. Press that button. Enter the name of the standard table and in the Target table enter Z table name and press enter.
However, that is only partial answer to the question, it only copied the table structure, but without the content-data of the table, to copy the content(data), you may need to write small ABAP program to achieve the goal:

tables lfa1.
select * from lfa1.
insert ztxlfa1 from lfa1.
write 'data copied.'.

Friday, February 9, 2007

.Net form ComboBox SelectedIndex = -1 seems does not work.

I ran into a problem in programming ComboBox on .Net Windows Form, we were clearing the ComboBox and then set the ComboBox.SelectedIndex = -1, which supposed to deselect the SelectedItem. However, the ComboBox still showing the old SelectedItem.

I found a workaround, first set the ComboBox.SelectedIndex = -1 before you call ComboBox.Items.Clear()